(Optional) Setting Automatic Hostname Update¶
After the restart, the hostname is restored to the console or the previous one. localhost in the /etc/hosts file is restored to the console name or the previous name. To prevent this problem, change the console name to be the same as the hostname.
Check methods
In the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg file, check whether the update_hostname and manage_etc_hosts parameters are commented out or whether the value of preserve_hostname is true.
In Network Manager, check whether the value of hostname-mode in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf is set to none.
Check whether the value of enable_preserve_hostname in the /opt/huawei/network_config/bms-network-config.conf file is True.
Centralized BMS gateway
# Avoid the network from changing the hostname.
sed -i 's/enable_preserve_hostname = False/enable_preserve_hostname = True/g' /opt/huawei/network_config/bms-network-config.conf
# Avoid /etc/hosts from being modified after restart.
sed -i '/manage_etc_hosts/s/^/#/g' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
#Avoid hostname updates.
sed -i '/- update_hostname/s/^/#/g' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
Distributed BMS gateway
# Avoid /etc/hosts from being modified after restart.
sed -i '/manage_etc_hosts/s/^/#/g' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
#Avoid hostname updates.
sed -i '/- update_hostname/s/^/#/g' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
# Avoid NetworkManager from changing the name.
sed -i '/\[main\]/a\hostname-mode=none' /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf