x86: Ubuntu 14.04/Debian¶
Use the vi editor to open the /etc/default/grub file and add the following information after the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX field:
consoleblank=600 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200
Run the following commands to update the configuration:
stty -F /dev/ttyS0 speed 115200
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Create the /etc/init/ttyS0.conf file and use the vi editor to modify the file as follows:
start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[12345] stop on runlevel [!12345] respawn exec /sbin/getty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt102
Run the following command to start ttyS0:
sudo start ttyS0
To allow user root to log in to the BMS using a serial port, modify the security configuration file. Add ttyS0 to the end of the /etc/securetty file.