Querying a Lifecycle Hook¶
This interface is used to query details about a specified lifecycle hook by AS group ID and lifecycle hook name.
GET /autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_lifecycle_hook/{scaling_group_id}/{lifecycle_hook_name}
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Specifies the project ID. |
scaling_group_id | Yes | String | Specifies the AS group ID. |
lifecycle_hook_name | Yes | String | Specifies the lifecycle hook name. |
Example Request¶
This example queries the details about the lifecycle hook named test-hook1 of the AS group with ID e5d27f5c-dd76-4a61-b4bc-a67c5686719a.
GET https://{Endpoint}/autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_lifecycle_hook/e5d27f5c-dd76-4a61-b4bc-a67c5686719a/test-hook1
Parameter | Type | Description |
lifecycle_hook_name | String | Specifies the lifecycle hook name. |
lifecycle_hook_type | String | Specifies the lifecycle hook type.
default_result | String | Specifies the default lifecycle hook callback operation.
default_timeout | Integer | Specifies the lifecycle hook timeout duration in the unit of second. |
notification_topic_urn | String | Specifies a unique topic in SMN. |
notification_topic_name | String | Specifies the topic name in SMN. |
notification_metadata | String | Specifies the customized notification. |
create_time | String | Specifies the time when the lifecycle hook is created. The time is UTC-compliant. |
Example Response¶
"lifecycle_hook_name": "test-hook1",
"default_result": "CONTINUE",
"default_timeout": 3600,
"notification_topic_urn": "urn:smn:regionId:b53e5554fad0494d96206fb84296510b:gsh",
"notification_topic_name": "gsh",
"lifecycle_hook_type": "INSTANCE_LAUNCHING",
"notification_metadata": null,
"create_time": "2016-11-18T04:01:34Z"
Returned Values¶
Returned Value
400 Bad Request
The server failed to process the request.
401 Unauthorized
You must enter the username and password to access the requested page.
403 Forbidden
You are forbidden to access the requested page.
404 Not Found
The server could not find the requested page.
405 Method Not Allowed
You are not allowed to use the method specified in the request.
406 Not Acceptable
The response generated by the server could not be accepted by the client.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
You must use the proxy server for authentication to process the request.
408 Request Timeout
The request timed out.
409 Conflict
The request could not be processed due to a conflict.
500 Internal Server Error
Failed to complete the request because of an internal service error.
501 Not Implemented
Failed to complete the request because the server does not support the requested function.
502 Bad Gateway
Failed to complete the request because the request is invalid.
503 Service Unavailable
Failed to complete the request because the system is unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout
A gateway timeout error occurred.
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.