Querying an AS Group¶
This API is used to query details about a specified AS group by group ID.
GET /autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_group/{scaling_group_id}
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Specifies the project ID. |
scaling_group_id | Yes | String | Specifies the AS group ID. |
Example Request¶
This example queries the details about the AS group with ID d4e50321-3777-4135-97f8-9f5e9714a4b0.
GET https://{Endpoint}/autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_group/d4e50321-3777-4135-97f8-9f5e9714a4b0
Parameter | Type | Description |
scaling_group | scaling_groups object | Specifies details about the AS group. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
scaling_group_name | String | Specifies the name of the AS group. |
scaling_group_id | String | Specifies the AS group ID. |
scaling_group_status | String | Specifies the AS group status. |
scaling_configuration_id | String | Specifies the AS configuration ID. |
scaling_configuration_name | String | Specifies the AS configuration name. |
current_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the number of current instances in the AS group. |
desire_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the expected number of instances in the AS group. |
min_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the minimum number of instances in the AS group. |
max_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of instances in the AS group. |
cool_down_time | Integer | Specifies the cooldown period (s). |
lb_listener_id | String | Specifies the ID of a typical ELB listener. ELB listener IDs are separated using a comma (,). |
lbaas_listeners | Array of lbaas_listeners objects | Specifies enhanced load balancers. For details, see Table 4. |
available_zones | Array of strings | Specifies the AZ information. |
networks | Array of networks objects | Specifies the network information. For details, see Table 5. |
security_groups | Array of security_groups objects | Specifies the security group information. For details, see Table 7. |
create_time | String | Specifies the time when an AS group was created. The time format complies with UTC. |
vpc_id | String | Specifies the ID of the VPC to which the AS group belongs. |
detail | String | Specifies details about the AS group. If a scaling action fails, this parameter is used to record errors. |
is_scaling | Boolean | Specifies the scaling flag of the AS group. |
health_periodic_audit_method | String | Specifies the health check method. |
health_periodic_audit_time | Integer | Specifies the health check interval. |
health_periodic_audit_grace_period | Integer | Specifies the grace period for health check. |
instance_terminate_policy | String | Specifies the instance removal policy. |
notifications | Array of strings | Specifies the notification mode. EMAIL refers to notification by email. |
delete_publicip | Boolean | Specifies whether to delete the EIP bound to the ECS when deleting the ECS. |
delete_volume | Boolean | Specifies whether to delete the data disks attached to the ECS when deleting the ECS. |
cloud_location_id | String | This parameter is reserved. |
enterprise_project_id | String | Specifies the enterprise project ID. |
activity_type | String | Specifies the type of the AS action. |
multi_az_priority_policy | String | Specifies the priority policy used to select target AZs when adjusting the number of instances in an AS group. |
description | String | Specifies the description of the AS group. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
listener_id | String | Specifies the listener ID. |
pool_id | String | Specifies the backend ECS group ID. |
protocol_port | Integer | Specifies the backend protocol port, which is the port on which a backend ECS listens for traffic. |
weight | Integer | Specifies the weight, which determines the portion of requests a backend ECS processes when being compared to other backend ECSs added to the same listener. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Specifies the subnet ID. |
ipv6_enable | Boolean | Specifies whether to support IPv6 addresses. If this parameter is set to true, the NIC supports IPv6 addresses. The default value is false. This parameter is reserved. |
ipv6_bandwidth | ipv6_bandwidth object | Specifies the shared bandwidth of an IPv6 address. This parameter is left blank by default, indicating that no IPv6 shared bandwidth is bound. This parameter is reserved. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Specifies the ID of the shared bandwidth of an IPv6 address. This parameter is reserved. |
Example Response¶
"scaling_group": {
"networks": [
"id": " a8327883-6b07-4497-9c61-68d03ee193a ",
"ipv6_enable": true,
"id": "076ee2ff-f23e-4338-b8ac-1bc7278532d5"
"available_zones": [
"detail": null,
"scaling_group_name": "api_gateway_modify",
"scaling_group_id": "d4e50321-3777-4135-97f8-9f5e9714a4b0",
"scaling_group_status": "INSERVICE",
"scaling_configuration_id": "53579851-3841-418d-a97b-9cecdb663a90",
"scaling_configuration_name": "press",
"current_instance_number": 7,
"desire_instance_number": 8,
"min_instance_number": 0,
"max_instance_number": 100,
"cool_down_time": 900,
"lb_listener_id": null,
"security_groups": [
"id": "23b7b999-0a30-4b48-ae8f-ee201a88a6ab"
"create_time": "2015-09-01T08:36:10Z",
"vpc_id": "3e22f934-800d-4bb4-a588-0b9a76108190",
"health_periodic_audit_method": "NOVA_AUDIT",
"health_periodic_audit_time": 5,
"health_periodic_audit_grace_period": 600,
"instance_terminate_policy": "OLD_CONFIG_OLD_INSTANCE",
"is_scaling": true,
"delete_publicip": false,
"notifications": null,
Returned Values¶
Returned Value
400 Bad Request
The server failed to process the request.
401 Unauthorized
You must enter the username and password to access the requested page.
403 Forbidden
You are forbidden to access the requested page.
404 Not Found
The server could not find the requested page.
405 Method Not Allowed
You are not allowed to use the method specified in the request.
406 Not Acceptable
The response generated by the server could not be accepted by the client.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
You must use the proxy server for authentication to process the request.
408 Request Timeout
The request timed out.
409 Conflict
The request could not be processed due to a conflict.
500 Internal Server Error
Failed to complete the request because of an internal service error.
501 Not Implemented
Failed to complete the request because the server does not support the requested function.
502 Bad Gateway
Failed to complete the request because the request is invalid.
503 Service Unavailable
Failed to complete the request because the system is unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout
A gateway timeout error occurred.
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.