Web Container

This function monitors web containers, including Tomcat. This section focuses on Tomcat monitoring.

Going to the Web Container Page

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 on the left and choose Management & Deployment > Application Performance Management.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Application Monitoring > Metrics.

  4. In the tree on the left, click image2 next to the target environment.

  5. Click the Web Container tab. By default, the Tomcat monitoring information of all instances is displayed. For details about the metrics, see Table 1.

    **Figure 1** Going to the web container page

    Figure 1 Going to the web container page

    Table 1 Tomcat monitoring parameters

    Metric Set



    Tomcat port monitoring


    Port name

    Current Threads

    Number of current threads on the port

    Busy Threads

    Number of busy threads on the port at the time of collection

    Peak Busy Threads

    Maximum number of busy threads on the port in a collection period

    Max Threads

    Maximum number of threads on the port

    Max Connections

    Maximum number of connections on the port

    Current Connections

    Number of current connections of the port at the time of collection

    Peak Connections

    Maximum number of connections on the port in a collection period



    Tomcat version

    • Click a number in blue (such as those in the Current Threads, Busy Threads, or Peak Busy Threads column) to view the trend graph of the target web container in the specified period.

    • Click a version in the Version column to view details.

  6. On the displayed Web Container tab page, select a target instance and monitoring item to view the monitoring data in different metric sets.

    **Figure 2** Selecting an instance and monitoring item

    Figure 2 Selecting an instance and monitoring item

  7. Select a time range. Default: Last 20 minutes.

    Options: Last 20 minutes, Last hour, Last 3 hours, Last 6 hours, Last day, Today, Yesterday, Last week, Last month, or Custom.

    **Figure 3** Selecting a time range

    Figure 3 Selecting a time range

  8. Click image3 in the upper right corner of the list and select the metric data you want to view.