This function monitors database access. The databases that can be monitored include the C3P0, Cassandra, ClickHouse, DBCP, Druid, EsRestClient, GaussDB, Hikari, Jetcd, ObsClient, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, HBase, and MongoDB. APM collects details about executed statements to help you locate performance problems in code.

This section focuses on MySQL database monitoring.

Going to the SQL Page

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 on the left and choose Management & Deployment > Application Performance Management.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Application Monitoring > Metrics.

  4. In the tree on the left, click image2 next to the target environment.

  5. Click the SQL tab. By default, the MySQL database information of all instances is displayed.

    **Figure 1** Going to the SQL page

    Figure 1 Going to the SQL page

  6. On the displayed SQL tab page, select a target instance and monitoring item to view the monitoring data in different metric sets.

    **Figure 2** Selecting an instance and monitoring item

    Figure 2 Selecting an instance and monitoring item

  7. Select a time range. Default: Last 20 minutes.

    Options: Last 20 minutes, Last hour, Last 3 hours, Last 6 hours, Last day, Today, Yesterday, Last week, Last month, or Custom.

    **Figure 3** Selecting a time range

    Figure 3 Selecting a time range

  8. Click image3 in the upper right corner of the list and select the metric data you want to view.

Viewing MySQL Database Monitoring Data

SQL summary

APM can monitor MySQL databases by SQL. For details about the metrics, see Table 1. Click image4 in the upper right corner of the list and select the metric data you want to view.

**Figure 4** SQL summary under MySQL database monitoring

Figure 4 SQL summary under MySQL database monitoring

Table 1 SQL summary parameters

Metric Set



SQL monitoring


Unique ID of the SQL statement, which is used for alarm configuration

SQL Statement

SQL statement


Number of times that the SQL statement is called

Avg RT (ms)

Average response time (ms)


Number of errors that the SQL statement encounters

Rows Read

Number of read rows of the SQL statement

Rows Updated

Number of updated rows of the SQL statement

Max Concurrency

Maximum concurrency of the SQL statement

Max RT (ms)

Maximum response time of the SQL statement

0 ms-10 ms

Number of requests with 0 ms-10 ms response time

10 ms-100 ms

Number of requests with 10 ms-100 ms response time

100 ms-200 ms

Number of requests with 100 ms-200 ms response time

200 ms-1s

Number of requests with 200 ms-1s response time


Number of requests with 1s-10s response time


Number of requests with response time longer than 10s

Slowest Trace

ID of the slowest trace in a collection period

Error Trace

ID of the trace that encounters an error in a collection period

  • Click an SQL statement to view details.

  • Click a number in blue (such as those in the Calls or Avg RT (ms) column) to view more details.

  • Click a slow or an error trace to view its details.

Database summary

APM can summarize MySQL database metrics by database. For details about the metrics, see Table 2.

**Figure 5** Database summary under MySQL database monitoring

Figure 5 Database summary under MySQL database monitoring

Table 2 Database summary parameters

Metric Set



Database connections


Database name

Connections Created

Number of connections created by the database

Connections Destroyed

Number of the database's connections that have been destroyed

Avg RT (ms)

Average response time (ms)


Number of times that the database is called


Number of errors that the database encounters

Rows Read

Number of rows read from the database

Rows Updated

Number of rows updated in the database

Max RT (ms)

Maximum response time of the database

0 ms-10 ms

Number of requests with 0 ms-10 ms response time

10 ms-100 ms

Number of requests with 10 ms-100 ms response time

100 ms-200 ms

Number of requests with 100 ms-200 ms response time

200 ms-1s

Number of requests with 200 ms-1s response time


Number of requests with 1s-10s response time


Number of requests with response time longer than 10s

Click a number in blue (such as those in the Calls or Avg RT (ms) column) to view more details.


On the Exception tab page, view exception statistics about SQL calls. For details about the metrics, see Table 3.

**Figure 6** Viewing exception statistics about SQL calls

Figure 6 Viewing exception statistics about SQL calls

Table 3 Exception parameters

Metric Set





Exception class


Exception type


Number of exceptions


SQL statement that encounters an exception

Error Stack

Exception stack information


Error message


On the Overview tab page, view the call trend of the selected instance. For details about the metrics, see Table 4.

**Figure 7** Overview

Figure 7 Overview

Table 4 Overview parameters

Metric Set





Total number of calls

Rows Read

Total number of read rows

Avg RT (ms)

Average response time (ms)


Total number of errors

Rows Updated

Number of rows updated in the database


On the Info tab page, view the driver version information. Click the text in blue to view more details.

**Figure 8** Info

Figure 8 Info

Viewing Druid Connection Pool Monitoring Data

The Druid connection pool monitoring system collects data sources, connection details, additional configurations, and exception information. You can click image5 in the upper right corner of the list to customize the columns you want to view. For details about the metrics, see Table 5.

Table 5 Druid connection pool parameters

Metric Set



Data source

Connection Address

Connection address


Driver name

Initialized Connections

Number of initialized connections

Min Idle Connections in Pool

Minimum of idle connections in a pool

Max Idle Connections in Pool

Maximum number of idle connections in a pool

Max Connections in Pool

Maximum number of connections in a pool

Idle Connections

Number of idle connections

Max Idle Connections

Maximum number of idle connections

Active Connections

Number of active connections

Max Active Connections

Maximum number of active connections

Waiting Threads

Number of waiting threads

Max Waiting Threads

Maximum number of waiting threads

Upper Limit for Waiting Threads

Upper limit for waiting threads

Total Connections

Total number of connections

Connection details

Connection Address

Connection address


Number of calls

Total RT (ms)

Total response time (ms)

Avg RT (ms)

Average response time (ms)


Number of errors

Max Concurrency

Maximum number of concurrent connections

Max RT (ms)

Maximum response time

0 ms-10 ms

Number of requests with 0 ms-10 ms response time

10 ms-100 ms

Number of requests with 10 ms-100 ms response time

100 ms-500 ms

Number of requests with 100 ms-500 ms response time

500 ms-1s

Number of requests with 500 ms-1s response time


Number of requests with 1s-10s response time


Number of requests with response time longer than 10s

Additional configuration

Connection Address

Connection address

Max Wait (ms)

Maximum waiting time

Test on Borrow

Whether to verify the validity of a connection before obtaining it from the connection pool

Test on Return

Whether to verify the validity of a connection when it is returned

Test While Idle

Whether to verify the validity of an idle connection when an application applies for it from the pool

Remove Abandoned

Whether to automatically reclaim timeout connections

Remove Abandoned TimeoutMillis (ms)

If a connection in the pool is not returned within the specified duration, the connection will be reclaimed.

Remove Abandoned Count

Number of timeout connection reclaims

Min Evictable Idle TimeMillis (ms)

Minimum idle time of a connection in the pool

Time Between EvictionRunsMillis (ms)

Interval for checking the validity of idle connections



Exception class

Exception Type

Exception type


Number of times the exception has occurred

Error Message

Message returned when the exception has occurred

Error Stack

Exception stack information


Driver Version

Driver version

  • Click a number in blue (such as those in the Calls or Avg RT (ms) column) to view more details.

  • Click the text in blue (such as those in the Driver or Driver Version column) to view more details.

**Figure 9** Viewing Druid connection pool monitoring data

Figure 9 Viewing Druid connection pool monitoring data