Adding Log Buckets

A log bucket is a logical group of log files. Before using functions such as Viewing Bucket Logs, ensure that a log bucket has been created.


  • You can add up to 500 log files to a log bucket.

  • A log bucket only stores the log files of the same cluster.


  1. Log in to the AOM console. In the navigation pane, choose Log > Log Buckets.

  2. Click Bucket List tab and then click Add Log Bucket. On the page that is displayed, enter a log bucket name and description, select one or more log files, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    **Figure 1** Adding a log bucket

    Figure 1 Adding a log bucket


    • The Component tab page displays log files of all components except system components.

    • The System tab page displays all system log files.

    • The Host tab page displays all host log files.

More Operations

After adding a log bucket, perform the operations listed in Table 1 if needed.

Table 1 Related operations



Viewing bucket logs

Click a log bucket to view its logs.

Modifying a log bucket

Click Modify in the Operation column.

Deleting a log bucket

Click Delete in the Operation column.

Deleting a log bucket will not delete log files in it.