What Is the Relationship Between the Time Range and Statistical Cycle?

In AOM, a maximum of 1440 data points can be returned for a single metric query. The relationship between the time range and statistical cycle is as follows:

Maximum time range = Statistical cycle x 1440

If you select a time range shorter than or equal to the maximum time range, all the statistical cycles that meet the preceding formula can be selected. For example, if you want to query metrics in the last hour, the available statistical cycles are 1 minute and 5 minutes.

For a dashboard, the relationship between the time range and statistical cycle is shown in the following table.

Table 1 Relationship between the time range and statistical cycle

Time Range

Statistical Cycle

Last 1 hour

1 minute or 5 minutes

Last 6 hours

1 minute, 5 minutes, or 1 hour

Last 1 day

Last 1 week

1 hour

Last 15 days

1 hour

Last 30 days