Updating a Dedicated Gateway¶
This API is used to update a dedicated gateway.
Calling Method¶
For details, see Calling APIs.
PUT /v2/{project_id}/apigw/instances/{instance_id}
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Project ID. For details about how to obtain it, see Obtaining a Project ID. |
instance_id | Yes | String | Gateway ID, which can be obtained from the gateway information on the APIG console. |
Request Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
X-Auth-Token | Yes | String | User token. It can be obtained by calling the IAM API used to obtain a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is a token. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
description | No | String | Gateway description. The value can contain up to 255 characters except > and <. |
maintain_begin | No | String | Start time of the maintenance time window. It must be in the format "xx:00:00". The value of xx can be 02, 06, 10, 14, 18, or 22. During the maintenance time period, O&M personnel perform maintenance on the gateway. During this period, services can still be used, but occasionally there may be temporary interruptions. Scheduled maintenance occurs infrequently (typically once every several months). |
maintain_end | No | String | End time of the maintenance time window. It must be in the format "xx:00:00". There is a 4-hour difference between the start time and end time. During the maintenance time period, O&M personnel perform maintenance on the gateway. During this period, services can still be used, but occasionally there may be temporary interruptions. Scheduled maintenance occurs infrequently (typically once every several months). |
instance_name | No | String | Gateway name. Enter 3 to 64 characters, starting with a letter. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. Minimum: 3 Maximum: 64 |
security_group_id | No | String | Security group to which the gateway belongs. You can obtain it in either of the following ways:
vpcep_service_name | No | String | Name of a VPC endpoint service. It can contain max. 16 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores. If this parameter is not specified, the system automatically generates a name in the "{region}.{service_id}" format. If this parameter is specified, the system automatically generates a name in the "{region}.{vpcep_service_name}.{service_id}" format. |
Response Parameters¶
Status code: 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Gateway ID. |
project_id | String | ID of the tenant to which the gateway belongs. |
instance_name | String | Gateway name. |
status | String | Instance status:
Enumeration values:
instance_status | Integer | Instance status ID:
Enumeration values:
type | String | Gateway type. The default value is apig. |
spec | String | Gateway edition.
Enumeration values:
create_time | Long | Time when the gateway is created. The time is in the Unix timestamp format. |
enterprise_project_id | String | Enterprise project ID. This parameter is required for an enterprise account. |
eip_address | String | EIP bound to the gateway. |
charging_mode | Integer | Billing mode of the gateway.
Enumeration values:
cbc_metadata | String | This parameter is not used currently. |
loadbalancer_provider | String | Type of the load balancer used by the gateway.
Enumeration values:
cbc_operation_locks | Array of CbcOperationLock objects | Cloud operations restriction lock. This parameter is not used currently. |
description | String | Description about the gateway. |
vpc_id | String | VPC ID. You can obtain it in either of the following ways:
subnet_id | String | Subnet network ID. You can obtain it in either of the following ways:
security_group_id | String | ID of the security group to which the gateway belongs. You can obtain it in either of the following ways:
maintain_begin | String | Start time of the maintenance time window. It must be in the format "xx:00:00". The value of xx can be 02, 06, 10, 14, 18, or 22. During the maintenance time period, the O&M personnel can perform maintenance operations on the gateway. During maintenance, services can still be used, but occasionally there may be temporary service interruptions. Scheduled maintenance occurs infrequently (typically once every several months). |
maintain_end | String | End time of the maintenance time window. It must be in the format "xx:00:00". There is a 4-hour difference between the start time and end time. During the maintenance time period, the O&M personnel can perform maintenance operations on the gateway. During maintenance, services can still be used, but occasionally there may be temporary service interruptions. Scheduled maintenance occurs infrequently (typically once every several months). |
ingress_ip | String | VPC ingress address. |
user_id | String | ID of the account to which the gateway belongs. |
nat_eip_address | String | IP address for public outbound access. |
bandwidth_size | Integer | Outbound access bandwidth. |
bandwidth_charging_mode | String | Billing mode of the public outbound access bandwidth. |
available_zone_ids | String | AZ. |
instance_version | String | Gateway version. |
virsubnet_id | String | Subnet network ID. Currently, this parameter is not supported. |
roma_eip_address | String | ROMA EIP. Currently, this parameter is not supported. |
listeners | Object | Listener information. Currently, this parameter is not supported. |
supported_features | Array of strings | Supported features. |
endpoint_service | EndpointService object | VPC endpoint service details. This parameter will be deprecated. Use endpoint_services instead. |
endpoint_services | Array of EndpointService objects | VPC endpoint services. |
node_ips | NodeIps object | VPC endpoint ID. |
publicips | Array of IpDetails objects | Public inbound access addresses. |
privateips | Array of IpDetails objects | Private inbound access addresses. |
unreliable_ips | Array of strings | List of unreliable gateway inbound access IP addresses, to which the subdomain name of the group is not CNAMEd. The DEFAULT group cannot be accessed directly using the IP address in this list. |
is_releasable | Boolean | Whether the gateway can be released.
ingress_bandwidth_charging_mode | String | Billing mode of the public inbound access bandwidth. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
lock_scene | String | Restriction scenarios:
Enumeration values:
lock_source_id | String | ID of the object that initiates the restriction |
Parameter | Type | Description |
service_name | String | VPC endpoint service name. |
created_at | String | Creation time. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
livedata | Array of strings | LiveData node IP addresses. |
shubao | Array of strings | Shubao node IP addresses. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
ip_address | String | IP address. |
bandwidth_size | Integer | Bandwidth. |
Status code: 400
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 401
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 403
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 404
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Status code: 500
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | String | Error code. |
error_msg | String | Error message. |
Example Requests¶
Modifying a gateway
"description" : "test create instance",
"instance_name" : "apig-demo"
Example Responses¶
Status code: 200
"available_zone_ids" : "[xx-xxx-7a, xx-xxx-7b]",
"bandwidth_size" : 5,
"description" : "test create instance",
"enterprise_project_id" : "0",
"instance_name" : "apig-demo",
"maintain_begin" : "22:00:00",
"maintain_end" : "02:00:00",
"security_group_id" : "36d0ec18-bd10-4da7-86f3-ad7a5ddc55d7",
"spec" : "PROFESSIONAL",
"subnet_id" : "a938121c-11c4-4c91-b983-bc9acd347bb5",
"vpc_id" : "0957108c-257c-4ce0-9e93-527d279ce763",
"unreliable_ips" : [ "192.xx.xxx.xxx" ]
Status code: 400
Bad Request
"error_code" : "APIC.7211",
"error_msg" : "Parameter value does not match the rules, parameter name[maintainBegin]"
Status code: 401
"error_code" : "APIC.7102",
"error_msg" : "Incorrect token or token resolution failed"
Status code: 403
"error_code" : "APIC.7106",
"error_msg" : "No permissions to request for the method"
Status code: 404
Not Found
"error_code" : "APIC.7302",
"error_msg" : "Instance not found"
Status code: 500
Internal Server Error
"error_code" : "APIC.9000",
"error_msg" : "Failed to request internal service"
Status Codes¶
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.