Change History

Table 1 Change history

Released On



This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • The example response status code of the API for modifying an app is changed from 201 to 200.

  • The response status code of the API for modifying the specifications of a pay-per-use gateway is changed from 200 to 202.


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • The response status code of the API for modifying an app is changed from 201 to 200.

  • The response body parameters table of the API for querying the supported features of a gateway is changed.


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the API for verifying an API group name.

  • Added the API for verifying the API definition.

  • Added the API for setting accessibility of a debugging domain name.

  • Added the API for enabling backend servers.

  • Added the API for disabling backend servers.

  • Added the API for modifying VPC channel health checks.

  • Added the API for adding or updating a backend server group of a VPC channel.

  • Added the API for querying backend server groups of a VPC channel.

  • Added the API for querying a backend server group of a VPC channel.

  • Added the API for deleting a backend server group of a VPC channel.

  • Added the API for updating a backend server group of a VPC channel.

  • Added the API for querying monitoring data.

  • Added the API for updating or binding an EIP to a dedicated gateway.

  • Added the API for unbinding the EIP of a dedicated gateway.

  • Added the API for enabling public inbound access.

  • Added the API for updating public inbound access bandwidth of a gateway.

  • Added the API for disabling public inbound access for a gateway.

  • Added the API for querying gateway constraints.

  • Added the APIs for VPC endpoint management.

  • Added the APIs for gateway tag management.

  • Added the API for microservice center management.

  • Added the APIs for SSL certificate management.

  • Added the APIs for plug-in management.

  • Added the API for querying quotas associated with a credential.

  • Added the API for configuring access control settings for an app.

  • Added the API for querying access control details about an app.

  • Added the API for deleting access control settings of an app.

  • Added the APIs for credential quota management.

  • Added the APIs for asynchronous task management.


This issue incorporates the following change:

Updated the APIs for creating a dedicated gateway and querying gateway configurations.


This issue is the first official release.